Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Download PDF What I Know for Sure

Download PDF What I Know for Sure

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What I Know for Sure

What I Know for Sure

What I Know for Sure

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What I Know for Sure

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 3 hours and 53 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Macmillan Audio

Audible.com Release Date: September 2, 2014

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I admit that I chose to obtain this audiobook What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey because of the multiple positive reviews. Oprah gets candid on how her history shaped her upbringing including the emotional pain that she carried with her family history and her true feelings when one of her family members revealed what was then a major secret about her. With relief, she narrated that Graham Stedman was there to comfort her and much more. I also found it healing that she emphasizes that every challenging moment has a silver lining and that your greatest challenge/struggle can produce your greatest strength and more information.

Great Book. Great Timing.I just got free from a very long, bad relationship. Packed my stuff and grabbed my dog. Rented a UHaul and headed across the country to start new again. (I am 63yrs). Bought this Audio book to listen to as I drive.I felt all the old yuck stuff leave, and the new stuff flowing in... There is so much inspiration.Perfect book for anyone wanting to find joy and a better look at living.Will listen to it many more times. Sue

I bought this book after reading amazing reviews about it on Amazon. I really wanted to like this book, but it was just a bunch of small stories..........But I already read so many blogs/articles with similar stories that I just could not find anything new. I couldn't finish the book beyond the first 30% of it.

This book, I bought it as a gift for a loved one, but ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting. It's not just a book, but a keepsake-one that you can revisit again and again. It's beautifully made too, which seems to be an Oprah book trademark. It'll stand the test of time in both its physical craftsmanship as well as the jewels of contents within.

This book has become a staple in our household that I have gifted, and re-gifted to so many people!If you are interested, the audio version of the book if read by Oprah herself, and gives you a different take on what she's emphasizing through each lesson.I recommend you read this book one lesson at a time and keep re-reading it for a few days until you've caught on to what she's trying to teach. That way you can really internalize the book and enjoy it throughout the entire year.I love it so much, that it has become a routine to read this book at least once a year and it's cheaper on Amazon then anywhere else I've been able to find so far.

This book has some wonderful advice of self-acceptance, knowing you are worth and how to share your kindness to others. Her voice and timing felt as though you were talking to an old friend that was passing on their wisdom. While the end of the book I felt was a bit repetitive it really drives homes the point and you cannot control the world around you but in this moment and this time you can decide on what truly will make your heart full of love by trusting your instincts and allowing time for yourself.

The advise seems too simplistic. I did appreciate her telling about her background. She seems to realize that she is not perfect and she is "speaking " to people who have many imperfections too. I admire her very much and know she helps people of all races and conditions. Her advice affects us all.

I will recommend this book to everyone in my life. I will purchase this book for all the women in my life. I gave this book review 5 stars because it touched on every major point in my life the very belief I held in my heart that took me to the other side of the challenges this book confirmed my heart was on the right path. At all times-during those situations I looked within for the answers and my heart has never failed to protect me. Oprah inspires me to continue on my path and step it up a notch or more. At 53 I removed myself from a 13 year relationship and struggled with at my age a chance to love again is over. Today is six months since I asked him to leave. I now know without a doubt my life is just getting started. This was the perfect book to read and inspire me to continue on with all that I am. I do know this that we are not here to be loved it is to love others - along the way if love finds us as it will, it's a bonus. I realized when I left the love for myself was greater than that dysfunctional relationship. I wake up each day in wonder and an open heart because that is just who I am and I love every fiber of me. Thank you Oprah for the confirmation that my path is mine to create and if a situation doesn't align with all that I am it's ok to walk away.

What I know for sure is that Oprah wrote a fine book. It's a series of short essays with the theme of what Oprah knows for sure. She sometimes tells how she got there. It's wonderful. I feel better having just read it.It's a pretty book. One made for keeping forever or giving as a gift. After reading just part way I sent a copy to my grown daughters. I hope they love it as much as I do.

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