Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

PDF Ebook , by Terry Tempest Williams

PDF Ebook , by Terry Tempest Williams

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, by Terry Tempest Williams

, by Terry Tempest Williams

, by Terry Tempest Williams

PDF Ebook , by Terry Tempest Williams

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, by Terry Tempest Williams

Product details

File Size: 2679 KB

Print Length: 337 pages

Publisher: Vintage; Reprint edition (March 18, 2015)

Publication Date: March 18, 2015

Language: English

ASIN: B004774788



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#345,285 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Terry Tempest Williams has written a memoir that functions on multiple levels. It is about a number of things that run parallel and seem unrelated, until Williams pulls together all of the threads to present readers with a gorgeous narrative fabric. She lets readers see the stitching, so anyone who thinks that a writer’s work should be both seamless and invisible will not find what they’re looking for here.Williams chronicles the year that the Great Salt Lake threatened to overflow its banks, which would have caused enormous damage to the bird sanctuaries along its shores. Each chapter is named after a different bird that frequents Great Salt Lake’s ecosystem, and alternating chapters detail what is happening in the environment.The other chapters are about Williams’ mother and grandmother, both of whom develop reproductive cancers in the time she is writing about. As Mormons, the women in her family have been raised to put family first, and to assume certain positions both within their families and their church, but to not overstep their bounds. As the impact of the cancers changes the structure of Williams’ family, she writes about how these changes create new roles and lead for a need for a refuge for this “clan of one-breasted women.”As she documents, the lake’s overflowing boundaries, the reproductive cancers, and the way that land in the West has been treated by the U.S. government since its colonization by settlers and the destruction of those indigenous peoples who had inhabited it, are all connected. She shows readers the historical evidence, and as a naturalist, she writes with great authority about what is happening to the land.For some reason, certain readers are offended by this book. But if the idea that women are equal, as citizens and as human beings, is NOT an issue for you, this book is the story of revelation. If you think women are inferior beings, you’ll have to decide whether you’re willing to read a book that might challenge your views.

Read this 15 years ago and just bought for a friend and reread parts. Interesting to read some of the negative reviews as this book has no negatives to it. I have given a couple copies to family members of dying patients over the years with great results. You don't have to be dying or have a dying friend to love this. It transposes nature and its cycles with human life and death in a way no other book has done. It is certainly not a book that is a page turner with an evolving plot. It is a book to be savored and reread, something like The Outermost House, quietly read and felt, and it is in that lofty a category.

I first read this book after a dear friend passed away from ALS. It's such a humanistic story, and yet a story of Planet Earth and the ecosystem and our place, as human beings, in the order of nature.Yes, the author is Mormon, but she isn't preaching her religion. Rather, she takes a nondenominational and spiritual approach. Her love of nature and wildlife shines through the book, and I related to her analogies about the shrinking wetlands and loss of wildlife habitat.I found this book profoundly moving, and when my sister-in-law's mother was diagnosed with cancer, I bought it for her.I can't recommend this book highly enough. It can be comforting to those who fear illness, and also to those who seek a greater understanding of spirituality and the natural world.

This is a remarkable book, and well deserves its reputation. Williams juxtaposes her mother’s death by cancer with a dying wildlife refuge as the Great Salt Lake floods. While doing so, she manages to play the characteristics of specific bird species against what is going on in her family’s lives. It could easily be done poorly - but oh! she can write.It’s a hard book, especially if you’ve watched someone die slowly. But it’s a beautiful book, too.

I read this book for a class but connected to it strongly. I gave it as a gift to my mother in the hope it may be interesting to her in the aftermath of similar life situations to Williams.

Gut wrenching and emotionally evocative book. Beautifully written narrative weaves stories of nature with the overall plot.

This book was incredible. I read it as part of a university course and it's still on my shelf. Wonderful story of dealing with loss. I recommend this book to everyone!

This is one of the most beautiful stories I have read to date. The way Terry Tempest Williams describes nature, her emotions, and her mother's cancer is breathtaking.

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, by Terry Tempest Williams PDF
, by Terry Tempest Williams PDF

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